© Mercury Consulting Limited, Liechtenstein 2005 http://www.Mercury-Consulting-Ltd.com Product Description

Mercury Consulting Limited

Product Description:

Template for a Questionnaire for the

Selection of Performance Critical Third Party Software Based on Oracle Databases

(about 40 pages)

Not available - coming soon


To ensure that the software selected and delivered meets the performance-, scalability and stability requirements.

.... for customers selecting software

This questionnaire template should help you to compile the Oracle-chapter of your individual questionnaire (RFP) to the vendor. Using this template you just need to delete those questions which are not relevant in your case - that's not only magnitudes faster than writing the same document from the scratch, this template also significantly reduces the number of required questions you forget to ask.

... for vendors or inhouse developers writing performance critical software.

Most of the questions in this questionnaire are the result of problems caused by at least one commercial product. This list of "hot topics" helps you to avoid the same problems. Most issues addressed are NOT "just a tuning task" for the DBA, they might be in your basic design or in many lines of code - hard to fix and at least requiring complete re-testing. Therefore it is important that you consider the topics addressed in this document from the very first design decisions.


Persons involved in software package selection:

Production Manager, Application Support, Application DBA, System DBA

This is the main target group and the template will support the rapid development of a quite complete questionnaire.

Development Manager

Knowing the customer's evaluation criteria the development manager can design the product to meet the requirements.

Test Manager

The topics listed help him to define test cases, especially for the performance related tests (stress test, load test).

Not available - coming soon